
Return Policy

Kwik-Cover Return and Exchange Policy

What can I return?

You may return most new, unopened items sold by Kwik-Covers within 60 days of purchase for a refund.

What if I received the incorrect items by Kwik-Covers?

Please call Kwik-Covers Customer Service 866-586-9620

How do I return or exchange Kwik-Covers?

  • Please call 866-586-9620 to discuss any returns.
  • Return Authorization (RA) paperwork must be issued before the item is returned.
  • Returns are only available for unopened items sold by Kwik-Covers within 60 days of delivery for a full refund.
  • Customer is responsible for the return shipping charges.
  • $10.00 per box/case Restocking fee will apply
  • Items returned to the wrong location will result in additional charges.

When will I get my refund?

Usually in about 2-3 weeks. Most refunds are fully refunded in 3-5 days after we receive and process your return.

What if I have a full unopened case but purchased the covers more than 60 days, can I still return my covers?

For customers who wish to return full cases after 60 days from the date of purchase

  • Customer is responsible for shipping charges both ways (purchase & return)
  • 10.00 per box/case Restocking fee will apply
  • A 50% refund will be applied once covers are received and reviewed.